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RS School Trainer

RS School Trainers are practicing developers from different companies and countries.

How can I become an RS School trainer?

Any RS School mentor or activist can try on the role of a coach. To begin with, it is a good practice to give an offline lecture or speak at a meetup. Development of new assignments for students of the school is a good option too, as it requires not only writing technical description of the task but also providing at least 2 webinars (task description, Q&A session and concluding remarks).

General information for trainers


All theoretical lectures / materials should go along with assignments or evident application in practice. Students usually start with the task, not a theory. And if they cannot solve the problem, they study the theory. Isolated abstract knowledge is almost not needed (except for fundamental). If students can solve a task without theory, they do not need it.

Requirements for theoretical lectures

  • No more than 2 hours of theory for each lesson. Theoretical knowledge should be covered by practice - task, test or other activity. Anything that is not practiced is quickly forgotten.
  • Offline lectures should include 1-2 breaks
  • Remove all unnecessary information from presentations. All the main links that can be useful for further reading on the topic should be given at the end of the presentation
  • Before giving the presentation, remove all materials / slides that are out of date. For example, nobody is interested in layout features for IE6 or handling memory leaks in IE8
  • The turned on webcam during webinars makes the lecture more cordial
  • During offline classes, communicate with the entire audience, and not just with students from the front rows
  • It is recommended to use contrasting colors in the presentation, as all lectures are shown to the audience on the projector
  • For specific and rarely used things, it is better to leave a link to the material, do not describe them in detail
  • Split slides into smaller parts rather than having all information in one huge slide
  • To present an API analysis of any functionality, it is better to organize workshops, not just enumerate them

Organizing offline classes

We are constantly looking for those who want to conduct face-to-face lectures, student meetups, beerjs, office tours, etc. During face-to-face event, you can give a lecture from the RS School curriculum - or just talk about working on a project, passing interviews, etc.

Venue: you can use any meeting room available for you by booking it yourself. If a list of listeners is required to access the meeting room, we will provide it.

Number of students: depends on the room.

If you decide to conduct an offline lesson, contact Ksyusha (Discord: sonejka, Telegram: @ s0nejka).

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