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The Rolling Scopes

The Rolling Scopes is an independent international community of developers (mainly JavaScript / Front-end / iOS / Android), founded in 2013 in Minsk. Many developers all over the world know about us and can participate in our projects and events.

The Rolling Scopes meetups

Our meetings are not only a communication, exchange of experience and knowledge, but also a platform where anyone can try himself as a speaker, regardless of experience and topic. We help beginning speakers with topic selection, presentation preparation, and rehearsals. Since 2013, we have organized 100+ meetups in different cities and countries. Do you want to speak at a meeting? Just email us at
You can find more details here:

RS Summer Summit

Summer community summits are XXXL meetings :) They last for 2-3 days, in several streams, with a huge number of reports, workshops and are free for visitors.

JS Dev Day

Javascript Developer Day is an exciting quiz where participants from more than 20 cities join simultaneously. Anyone can take part by gathering a team and finding a venue—whether a cozy office room or reserved tables in a pub. Our community provides all the necessary materials for free and assists with the preparation. More information can be found here -

RS School

These are free courses conducted by our community since 2013. Anyone can study at RS School, regardless of age, employment, or location. Developers from various companies and countries contribute to the training. The course is fully online, making quality education accessible worldwide. Each year, a new cohort of more than 2,000 students joins the program. Guiding them are our mentors—our "iron" people—who volunteer their time to teach and support students for free. With over 250 dedicated mentors, RS School creates a strong, collaborative learning environment. RS School welcomes learners from any country. Learn more about the school here:


On our channel you can find records of RS School webinars and speeches from our meetings and conferences - All school records are posted on our second channel


For fast communication, announcements of the events, various community news, we use the telegram group You can also simply subscribe to the channel to receive notifications of our upcoming events

Social networks

You can always find us on Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram. We post photos from our events and share announcements about upcoming events there:

Support community

As The Rolling Scopes is a non-profit community of developers who contribute their strengths and knowledge into it day by night for free and in their free time. We started a “piggy bank” for different RS needs. Support us here -

Partnered with

jetbrains icon
AWS icon
 github icon