RS School JavaScript/Front-end course
It is a FREE Front-end/ JavaScript course conducted by the Rolling Scopes Community since 2013. Every year we start a new course for nearly 2000 students. There are more than 250 mentors helping students to increase their productivity while learning.
Course aims
- Gaining enough knowledge and experience for getting Junior Software Engineer position at Front-end/JavaScript field.
- Developing nessesary skills for passing job interviews. You will have a possibility to pass at least 3 interviews during your studies.
- Creating your portfolio:
- 2 landing pages
- one large course project and much more smaller tasks
- codewars profile
Course duration
The course duration is about 8 months. You will need 20-40 hours a week for successful course completion.
What should you do before starting this course?
- Attend English courses for getting Pre-Intermediate level (B1 at least).
- Read a good Javascript coursebook in English
- Use Codewars platform for solving practical tasks. You can start from easiest ones.
- Study:
- Command line basics
- Git basics
Requirements for moving to the second stage of learning process(mentoring)
- Knowledge of: - OOP basics. Example of questions - Basic data structures and their organization (array, list, stack, queue, tree, hash-tables etc.). - You should be able to implement simple algorithm in JavaScript. Tasks examples - Basic sorting and searching algorithms - Graphs of basic math functions, factorial, the concept of logarithm - English B1 (Intermediate). (for those who want to be hired by EPAM)
- The ability and willingness to work full time (for those who wants to be hired)
What should you do, if you do not have technical education or you have a lack of knowledge?
Can you spend at least half of a year, or even a year, for preparation? If YES, then:
- Attend English courses for getting Intermediate level (B1 at least).
- Read a good Javascript coursebook in English
- Use Codewars platform for solving practical tasks. You can start from easiest ones.
- Finish these FREE courses:
- Basics
- (Click button Access course materials (not start free trial) on the course page)
- Basic algorithms
- Basics
- Believe in youself!