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RS School JavaScript/Front-end course

It is a FREE Front-end/ JavaScript course conducted by the Rolling Scopes Community since 2013. Every year we start a new course for nearly 2000 students. There are more than 250 mentors helping students to increase their productivity while learning.

Course aims

  1. Gaining enough knowledge and experience for getting Junior Software Engineer position at Front-end/JavaScript field.
  2. Developing nessesary skills for passing job interviews. You will have a possibility to pass at least 3 interviews during your studies.
  3. Creating your portfolio:
  • 2 landing pages
  • one large course project and much more smaller tasks
  • codewars profile

Course duration

The course duration is about 8 months. You will need 20-40 hours a week for successful course completion.

What should you do before starting this course?

  1. Attend English courses for getting Pre-Intermediate level (B1 at least).
  2. Read a good Javascript coursebook in English
  3. Use Codewars platform for solving practical tasks. You can start from easiest ones.
  4. Study:

Requirements for moving to the second stage of learning process(mentoring)

  • Knowledge of: - OOP basics. Example of questions - Basic data structures and their organization (array, list, stack, queue, tree, hash-tables etc.). - You should be able to implement simple algorithm in JavaScript. Tasks examples - Basic sorting and searching algorithms - Graphs of basic math functions, factorial, the concept of logarithm - English B1 (Intermediate). (for those who want to be hired by EPAM)
  • The ability and willingness to work full time (for those who wants to be hired)

What should you do, if you do not have technical education or you have a lack of knowledge?

Can you spend at least half of a year, or even a year, for preparation? If YES, then:

  1. Attend English courses for getting Intermediate level (B1 at least).
  2. Read a good Javascript coursebook in English
  3. Use Codewars platform for solving practical tasks. You can start from easiest ones.
  4. Finish these FREE courses:
  5. Believe in youself!

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