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RSS AI (RS School Anti-violation Inquisitor) - a role in Discord that can be assigned to an activist by the administration.

RSS AI is an extended activist’s role, therefore RSS AIs deal with the same tasks as activists. Besides, they:

  1. Check for cheating. People with RSS AI role are responsible for detecting cases of cheating on tasks.

  2. Examine complaints. RSS AI deal with examination of the complaints related to cross-check assessments.

  3. Monitor compliance with the Code of Conduct. Users with RSS AI role monitor the compliance with the rules of conduct on the server.

  4. Issue warnings, expel and ban on the server. In case of violation of the rules, RSS AIs can issue warnings, as well as expel the students from the course or ban them from participating on the Discord server.

  5. Help administration. RSS AIs provide assistance to the course administration, participate in discussions, contribute to improve tasks and the course overall, help maintain safe and friendly environment on Discord.

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