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RS Activist

Who is RS Activist?

RS Activist is a student in the current or previous school enrollment who is actively helping other students to study.

The examples of such help:

  1. The easiest option is to answer other students’ questions in community chats. The etiquette rule - if somebody helped you to solve the problem, write thanks in the #gratitude channel. However, before asking any questions, please google it first.

  2. Taking lecture notes and posting them in the #materials channel Example

  3. A detailed analysis of issues related to specific school assignments:

  4. A detailed walkthrough of your task solution if you received the maximum possible score from your mentor -

  5. Organizing face-to-face student meetups:

    • Learning English (speaking club)
    • Task Discussion
    • To have a beer and to expand your network
  6. Preparing online tests based on the materials of past lectures. Example -

  7. Helping with tasks formulation, documentation. For example -

  8. Here you may have your own example :)

What is the process of nomination?

By decision of mentors or admins. Based on your feedback in #gratitude channel

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