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The Rolling Scopes

The Rolling Scopes is an independent international community of developers (mainly JavaScript / Front-end / iOS / Android), organized in 2013. Currently, many developers around the world know that we participate in our events and activities.

What is RS School?

These are free Front-end, JavaScript, iOS, and Android programming courses run by The Rolling Scopes community. Everyone can study at RS School, regardless of age, professional employment and place of residence. The training involves developers from various companies and countries. In our courses we combine online and offline learning. Mentors of the school - our "iron" people - teach students in their free time and for free! Now courses are available for residents of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. More information about the school on the site:

Free-of-charge learning

At RS School the principle of "Pay it forward" works. We share our knowledge with students for free now, hoping that in the future they will return to us as mentors and pass on their knowledge to the next generation of students in the same way.

Benefits of RS School

• Free course, no obligations and contracts. You only need time and desire
• A huge vibrant and active community
• A multifaceted curriculum. Always up to date program. Complex and interesting tasks. High intensity material and practice. You will need about 20-40 hours a week. • All materials are publicly available on YouTube and GitHub.
• Trainers from different companies and countries. The vast majority of programmers, not teachers
• Your mentor starting from the second stage of training
• Online classes. The ability to view lectures on YouTube at any time
• Offline meetings, meetings, interviews
• Employment Opportunity
• Possibility of various training interviews
• A lot of opportunities for communication. Learning together is more interesting and more effective. • The spirit of competition, competition and rivalry
• No age limit
• Friendly atmosphere, there are always people who want to help
• Courses can be taken several times. In 2019, about 15% studied again.


A certificate of successful completion of the courses is issued to students who have completed three stages of training and scored a set number of points for key tasks. The list of tasks and the bar for points is set for each stream separately. Example certificate requirements for 2019Q1 release:


When is employment possible?

• On the recommendation of a mentor at any stage of training. If the project mentor has an open position, and you have the necessary skills.
• Centralized to EPAM after graduation. The number of places is limited.
• Independently, at any stage of training. Our goal is to help you build the necessary knowledge and skills.
Detailed description

School principles

• Pay it forward. According to this principle, we expect students to study at school for free to return as mentors to pass on their knowledge to the next generation of students.
• Friendly atmosphere
• Culture of mentoring

School official languages

• Discord: Russian, English, Belarusian
• Telegram: varies by country, region

Articles about the school:

From the point of view of the organizers
From the point of view of mentors
From the point of view of one of the students
HABR: Good is not cheap. But it is free

Support community

Due to the fact that The Rolling Scopes is a non-profit community of developers who, day and night, will copy their strengths and knowledge into it for free and in their free time, we started a “piggy bank” for different RS needs. You can say “thank you” here - or here

Partnered with

jetbrains icon
AWS icon
 github icon