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Commit Requirements

  • The names of the commits should be according to the guideline -
  • The commit type MUST BE in lowercase only (init, feat, fix, refactor, docs etc.)
  • Present tense ("add feature" not "added feature") should be used.
  • Imperative mood ("move cursor to ..." not "moves cursor to ..." should be used).

Examples of commit names

  • init: - used to start the project / task. Example:
init: start youtube-task
init: start mentor-dashboard task
  • feat: - this is the implemented new functionality from the technical specifications (added zoom support, added footer, added product card). Example:
feat: add basic page layout
feat: implement search box 
feat: implement request to youtube API
feat: implement swipe for horizontal list
feat: add additional navigation button
feat: add banner
feat: add social links
feat: add physical security section
feat: add real social icons
  • fix: - fixed a bug in previously implemented functionality. Example:
fix: implement correct loading data from youtube
fix: change layout for video items to fix bugs
fix: relayout header for firefox
fix: adjust social links for mobile
  • refactor: - did not add new functionality / behavior did not change. Files in other places put, deleted, added. Changed the code formatting (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc). Improved the algorithm, without changing the functionality. Example:
refactor: change structure of the project
refactor: rename vars for better readability
refactor: apply eslint
refactor: apply prettier
  • docs: - used when working with project documentation / readme. Example:
docs: update readme with additional information
docs: update description of run() method


Is it possible to reverse a commit (pushed) to a repository without reducing the score?

Yes, you can.

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